Important Notice:

The blog is currently on hiatus so there won't be any new updates will take place during the course of hiatus.

-BUST3R (Blog Creator & Manager)

BT DayZ Server

● N/A
● N/A
● N/A
● N/A
● N/A
● N/A
● JiNZ3R
● [MM]Outlaw
● [KOD]Evocater
● [KOD]Spinn
● SinisteR[EA]
● Naruto
● [bT]kekoian
● Emy

● N/A
● Jawbreaker
● [MM]HazeM
● Balli_King
● Alix_G
● Sniper[KH]
● [bT]kekoian
● [AF]Reyjuh
● Akatsu
● Pitbull
● [bT]The_One
● [SYN]Scorpion
● [CAT]Farzam


*** DayZ Server - Rules and Regulations ***

Player Rules:-

  • No other language than English in Global Chat (/ooc or /o)
  • SPAMMING/FLOODING in Global Chat is not allowed.
  • Swearing is allowed but insulting others is not and offender will receive a warning for this act.
  • Always report hackers and rule breakers to online administrators. If no admins are available then take screenshots and report them on forum.
  • Be respectful to official helpers of DayZ server. They mainly are hired to help you in survival.
  • Don't annoy admins for giving you items. If you won't stop asking then you'll be muted for 2 mins.
  • If you want items then find in server 'cause that's the main objective of the whole game... SURVIVE WHILE YOU LAST!
  • Spawning illegal weapons (Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Heat Seeker, Flame Thrower) are not allowed and punishable.
  • Superior vehicles (Rhino, Hunter, Hydra) should be used for zombies only. Killing humans with them will result in a warning.
  • Contact any level 5 administrator for your name change.
  • DayZ staff won't be held responsible for any loss if you change name yourself w/o any supervision of an administrator.
  • Shooting other humans to loot their items is not allowed and is punishable with a warning.
  • Don't ask or annoy admins for bigger backpacks. Work your ass up and find them in server.
  • Don't be a pain in the ass by constantly asking for admin levels or helper ranks. All hearings will be ignored anyway!
  • Don't ask admins for change of weather unless your screen is bugged or your weather is 0.
  • Armours are not allowed in DayZ. You'll automatically get banned from anti-cheat system.
  • Advertisement are not allowed in DayZ. You'll automatically get banned from anti-cheat system.
  • Airbreak hacks are not allowed in DayZ. You'll automatically get banned from anti-cheat system.
  • S0biet mod are not allowed in DayZ. You'll automatically get banned from anti-cheat system.

Admin Rules:-

  • Abuse of /giveitem command will result in demotion.
  • Abuse of /respawnloots will result in demotion.
  • Abuse of /giveallitems will result in a demotion.
  • Abuse of /setweather will result in a demotion.
  • Use /wslap or /aslap command to help stucked players.

VIP Rules:-

  • VIP are also required to follow server rules.
  • Violating server rules will result in demotion from VIP levels.
These are currently major rules that all of DayZ players/admins/helpers/vips need to follow up.
More rules and regulations will be introduced or modified from this list.

[MM]BUST3R - DayZ Server Head


● [BoD]Armin[KH]
● [MM]Revolver
● [UC]Abdou


BTTDM DayZ Server IP -

BTTDM DayZ IRC Channel - #btdayz
