Important Notice:

The blog is currently on hiatus so there won't be any new updates will take place during the course of hiatus.

-BUST3R (Blog Creator & Manager)

BTTDM Official Clans & Gangs

Following are the BTTDM's official clans and gangs.


First 3 Are BTTDM's Most Prestigious Clans

1. [bT] Clan (BlackTurbo's Official Clan)

2. [MM] Clan (Murder Mobsters)

3. [KOD] Clan (Kiss of Death)


4. [BoD] Clan (Bringer of Death)

5. _H Gang (Handsome Gang)
*This gang's logo/signature is not available right now*

6. [PK] Gang (Professional Killers)

7. [U][k] Clan (Ultra Killers)

8. [LFD] Clan (Life For the Dead)
*This gang's logo/signature is not available right now*

9. [LRC] Gang (Los Reyes de las Calles)

10. FC Team (Fort Carson)
*This gang's logo/signature is not available right now*

11. [DD] Clan (DareDevils)

12. [D2A] Gang (Death 2 All)

13. [CAT] Clan (Commander Assassin Team)

14. BTTDM Military Squad

15. [TM] Team (The Mafia Family)

16. Police Officers Group

17. [MoB] Gang (Mode of Bang)

18. [KH] Gang (Knights Hero)

19. [SF] Clan (Special Force)

20. [LB] Gang (Latin Brotherhood)

21. _G Gang (Genocide Gang)

22. [KF] Clan (Kingsman Forces)

23. [LL] Clan (Look & Learn)

24. [UC] Clan (United Creed)