Important Notice:

The blog is currently on hiatus so there won't be any new updates will take place during the course of hiatus.

-BUST3R (Blog Creator & Manager)

New Approved Users Update - 23 May 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. [MIX]CaHeK for ChatBox
  2. Sina for ChatBox
  3. SW.(GEORVI) for Shoutbox
  4. Bubbles for Shoutbox

New Approved Users Update - 9 May 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. demitre for ChatBox
  2. URU for Shoutbox
  3. pujariskie for Shoutbox
  4. OasisO for Shoutbox

New Approved Users Update - 20 April 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. [AK]MOSHE581[DD] for ChatBox
  2. Corvion for Shoutbox
  3. Maxx for Shoutbox
  4. [AF]Kevin for Shoutbox

New Approved Users Update - 12 April 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. Lobense for ChatBox
  2. seangaon05 for Shoutbox
  3. [bT]Doab for Shoutbox

New Approved Users Update - 11 April 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. Omar for ChatBox
  2. deliciousRUFFLES for ChatBox
  3. Slayer for ChatBox
  4. [SF]Navod for ChatBox
  5. Josh for Shoutbox
  6. [AF]Alex_Heller for Shoutbox
  7. Axle for Shoutbox

Server Pages Update - 10 April 2016

Following dedicated server's pages updated now:

New Approved Users Update - 09 April 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved in the blog:
  1. Uncleweed for ChatBox
  2. [AF]Terror for ChatBox
  3. FredForce for ChatBox
  4. Americus for ChatBox
  5. ScarFace for ChatBox
  6. Antonio_P for Shoutbox
  7. Trickz for Shoutbox
  8. HaGeMoN for Shoutbox
  9. FredForce for Shoutbox
  10. Americus for Shoutbox
  11. [P]hoToGraPhY for Shoutbox

Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 23 March 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. david
  2. Scopegenx

3 new 'Official Clans' added in the blog.

Following new official clans of bttdm have been added in the blog:

1. [KF] Clan (Kingsman Forces)

2. [LL] Clan (Look & Learn)

3. [UC] Clan (United Creed)


DayZ Server - An addition of a dedicated page for newest server.

A new dedicated blog page have been added for bttdm community's newest DayZ Server.


Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 12 March 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. Husky a.k.a DarkPrince
  2. krysto

BTTDM Servers - NEW IPs!

After the server movement to a newer host, some of bttdm servers IP have been changed and the new IPs of servers are following:

  • 3b Server IP -
  • 3c Server IP -
  • 3d Server IP -
  • 3e Server IP -
  • 3x Server IP -
  • 3z Server IP -
  • 3.7 Server IP -
  • ZS Server IP -
  • DayZ Server IP -

These new IPs have been updated in all of the dedicated pages of each server in the blog.
Don't forget to save these IPs in your samp client as favorties.

Enjoy the servers and have fun! :)


Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 27 February 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. Lacquan
  2. [bT]Monster
  3. [bT]Slenderman (Approved on 2 March 2016)
  4. [bT]Saad (Approved on 2 March 2016)

New Promotions in BTTDM 0.3e Server - 19 February 2016

Following individuals have been promoted in BTTDM 0.3e server:

  • Master M. (Promoted to level 5)
  • [BoD]Sina (Promoted to level 4)


BTTDM DayZ Server - A newest addition of server in BTTDM Community

BTTDM community is proud to announce that a newest addition of servers lineup in BTTDM community have been made by launching BTTDM's first ever Survival Horror Role-Play based server called "BTTDM DayZ - Zombie Survival".

This newest server have been launched by BlackTurbo himself on 15 February, 2016. The server is open for public now but it's still in BETA mode until some of servers know bugs and glitches will be fixed.

BTTDM DayZ Server IP -

Thanks for reading and enjoy the survival. :)


Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 12 February 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. Mark
  2. Alix_G
  3. [U][k]Sylar
  4. Toretto
  5. sexyjohn (Approved on 15 February 2016)
  6. Dann (Approved on 15 February 2016)
  7. Kyrie (Approved on 16 February 2016)
  8. Binary (Approved on 16 February 2016)

[CAT] clan and [LB] gang logos have been added in the blog - 11 February 2016

[CAT] clan and [LB] gang logos have been updated in the BTTDM Official Clans & Gangs page.

* Special thanks to [CAT]Daulihino for creating this logo.


Zomboy - New blood for the role of ZS' Server Head

Zomboy have been promoted as the new server head of the BTTDM Zombie Server. Congratulations!


Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 9 February 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. $uperman
  2. HazeM
  3. Cexaxl
  4. Nimezz

[BoD] clan logo have been added in the blog

[BoD] clan logo have been added in the BTTDM Official Clans & Gangs page.

* Special thanks to [CAT]Daulinho for creating this logo.


BTTDM 0.3d Staff List Updated - 7 February 2016

Staff list of bttdm 0.3d server have been updated. Please redirect here to check your name if you're an administrator or vip in that server.

Please comment below this post IF:

  • your name is not added/removed/missing
  • your name is changed and need to be updated
  • you've been promoted/demoted in 3d server
  • you've transferred your levels from 3d to another server
  • your activity status need to be changed (Active/Semi-Active/Inactive)


'Administrations Rules' have been added for BTTDM 0.3z Server

Following administration rules have been added for BTTDM 0.3z server:

1- You shouldn't ignore players if they asked for help. You are supposed to do that as you are an administrator in the server.

2- You shouldn't ignore players if they asked you to watch the trade. Don't say you are busy or something like that. You have to go and watch the trade.

3- You shouldn't abuse your administration power on anyone or you will be demoted.

4- You shouldn't disrespect anyone in the server.

5- If there's a higher administrator in the server, let him handle the hacker.

6- For level (3/2/1), You shouldn't kick hackers if there is administrator level +4.

7- You shouldn't ban anyone without valid reason and proofs.

8- Administrators shouldn't ban scammers or multi accounts, they should report them to server head.

9- Administrators shouldn't player in another server (Non BTTDM server) or they will be demoted to 0.

10- Administrators shouldn't ask for level, they will be ignored and they may get demote.

11- Administrators shouldn't ignore /reports, they have to check them.

12- Beware of joking with administrator commands or you might get demoted.

13- If you get caught scamming a player you will be demoted directly.

14- If you get caught hacking in the server, you will be demoted and banned.

15- If you get caught advertising an/a IP/server name, you will be demoted and permanently banned.


BTTDM 0.3z Administrations

* Special thanks to [KOD]LordZ for writing these rules.

Mustang[RAW] has been promoted to level 3 (Administrator) in Zombie Server

Mustang[RAW] has been promoted to level 3 (Administrator) in Zombie Server.


New Moderators Assigned For Shoutbox - 6 February 2016

I have personally appointed following members of shoutbox as a 'Moderator'

- Omar a.k.a [UC]Omar
- XZero a.k.a [MM]XZero
- Cripocalypse a.k.a [MM]Outlaw

They'll be the one who'll keep shoutbox free from spam/flooding and unnecessary arguments or shouts during my absence on the blog.

- BUST3R (Shoutbox Administrator)

Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 5 February 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. Aleksakg
  2. Znbx
  3. Donga

BTTDM 0.3z Staff List Updated - 4 February 2016

Staff list of bttdm 0.3z server have been updated. Please redirect here to check your name if you're an administrator or vip in that server.

Please comment below this post IF:

  • your name is not added/removed/missing
  • your name is changed and need to be updated
  • you've been promoted/demoted in 3z server
  • you've transferred your levels from 3z to another server
  • your activity status need to be changed (Active/Semi-Active/Inactive)


Shoutbox Approved Users Update - 2 February 2016

Following 'NEW' users have been approved for shoutbox:
  1. Young
  2. Hector
  3. Abdou
  4. Ganga
  5. Mustang
  6. DarkPrince

A new page has been added 'Shoutbox Users List'

A new page has been added 'Shoutbox Users List' in the blog to keep the record of approved and valid users of shoutbox and addition of this new page can also help new registered users to check whether their accounts have been approved or not.


[LFD]Lagrimas[GTA] has been added in 3x's VIPs

[LFD]Lagrimas[GTA] has been added in 3x's VIPs list.


Blog Updates - 30 January 2016

1) Widgets/Gadgets have been rearranged for blog template
2) Digital clock has been added
3) Blog Statistics page have been removed
4) Links and text colours have been changed to Purple
5) Page font style changed to Verdana
6) Guests can now see shouts but need to be logged in to post shouts.

That's all for now, more updates soon..

BUST3R - BTTDM Blog Manager

Noob Z a.k.a Znbx has been promoted to level 4 in 3e server

Noob Z a.k.a Znbx has been promoted to level 4 in 3e server and have been added in 3e's staff list. Congratulations!


[KOD]MJemy a.k.a [KOD]Modather is back in 3d and promoted at level 2 in Zombie Server

[KOD]MJemy a.k.a [KOD]Modather is back from his inactivity to serve as a level 4 administrator in 3d server and he's been promoted as level 2 moderator in Zombie Server. Congratulations!


Bullet a.k.a [U][k]Wanted$ promoted to level 4 in 3e

Bullet a.k.a [U][k]Wanted$ has been promoted to Level 4 Administrator from Level 2 VIP in 3e's staff list.


3b Server Updates

[DD]Naruto[SSG] have been added as a Level 1 VIP in 3b's staff list.


New Pages Added in The Blog

Following pages have been added successfully in the blog:

- BTTDM 0.3b
- BTTDM 0.3c
- BTTDM 0.3d
- BTTDM 0.3e
- BTTDM 0.3x
- BTTDM 0.3z
- BTTDM 0.3.7
- BTTDM Zombie Server
- BTTDM Official Clan & Gangs
- BTTDM Legends (Hall of Fame)
- Blog Statistics
- History of BTTDM

BUST3R - BTTDM Blog Manager

Welcome To BTTDM's Official Blog

Greetings dear visitors,

You've been successfully redirected to bttdm's official blog. Currently this blog is under construction and it's closed for public performance until it's features and pages will be added.

Expected public launch: 1st of February 2016

BUST3R - BTTDM Blog Manager