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The blog is currently on hiatus so there won't be any new updates will take place during the course of hiatus.

-BUST3R (Blog Creator & Manager)

History of BTTDM

Generations of Admin(s) and Server(s) in BTTDM Community

BTTDM [0.3a] Server: BTTDM community has started with a single server hosted on client 0.3a with some of professional admin and community member in the late 2009, Since after the great debut of BTTDM [0.3a] our community and server owners decided to open servers on newer versions of SA-MP. 

BTTDM [0.3b] Server: After closing of BTTDM [0.3a] server in the late 2010, our community had started a server on 0.3b client in the start of 2011 and BTTDM [0.3b] server was result as a great success for BTTDM community and that time our administration team also improved and new admin also introduced in server. 

BTTDM [0.3c] Server: After the release of 0.3c client of SA-MP in the late 2011, our community decided to open a second server for more players and more fun, so our community has now a second hosted server of BTTDM [0.3c] that time.

BTTDM [0.3d] Server: In the mid the of 2012, SA-MP introduced 0.3d client and I our community started a hosted server of BTTDM [0.3d] in 0.3d version with some of old and new admin. BTTDM [0.3d] also found as a great debut for BTTDM community. 

BTTDM [0.3e] Server: In the late 2012, SA-MP introduced 0.3e client and our community also want to open a server on 0.3e client but we already got 3 hosted servers on 0.3b, 0.3c, and 0.3d our community decided to close 3d server and start 3e server. BTTDM [0.3e] server also found as a great success in SA-MP servers. 

BTTDM [0.3x] Server: In the start of 2013, SA-MP introduced 0.3x client and our community decided to replace 3e server to 3x version and on the 1st April, 2013, our community replaced BTTDM [0.3e] server to BTTDM [0.3x]. After many requests from some admin & regular players of BTTDM, BlackTurbo once again started [0.3d] server in the last of January 2013.

BTTDM [0.3z] Server: Released in February 2014 by SA-MP community, BTTDM management decided to expand it's server exhibits in more variant and latest release of SA-MP client but due to exceeding limitations of hosting too many servers at once, BTTDM management comes up with the final plan to replace the 3b server with 3z server client and with the help from [KOD]Poopie scirpting skills, they successfully hosted a new server by replacing 3b with 3z client in the next couple of months since the release of 0.3z SA-MP client.

BTTDM [0.3z] (Zombie Server): This new addition of zombie apocalypses game-play mod based on 0.3z server client have been inaugurated in the 4th quarter of 2014 by BTTDM management and is currently being managed by Power.

BTTDM [0.3.7] Server: SA-MP client 0.3.7 is the latest release from SA-MP community in May 2015 with major upgrades and fixes prior to previous versions of SA-MP clients. Therefore, BTTDM management take a step further to expand their increasing population of players & admins so they can have more options to enjoy while offering different flavors of game play mods in a single community. The 0.3.7 server scripting tasks is currently being handled by Emin and being supervised by Andres.

BTTDM [0.3b] (Server Reborn): After being lost in dark times and being replaced by new 3z client, BTTDM still recalls its old school and long running 3b server while giving a room in hosting with other BTTDM servers so old fans of 3b server will stay stick together to their favorite server client and BTTDM management assigned Amumu as 3b server's guardian and server head.

P.S: Currently, BTTDM community have 7 hosted servers in SA-MP. BTTDM – [0.3b, 0.3c, 0.3d, 0.3e, 0.3x, 0.3z, 0.3.7, and Zombie Server]

Server Scripting Credits

- BTTDM [0.3b] game mode scripted and tested by [ATF]DieHard and [KOD]Poopie.
- BTTDM [0.3c] game mode scripted and tested by [ATF]DieHard.
- BTTDM [0.3d] game mode scripted and tested by [ATF]DieHard.
- BTTDM [0.3e] game mode scripted and tested by [ATF]DieHard, [bT]killer_prabin, and [Cookie]termica.
- BTTDM [0.3x] game mode scripted and tested by [Cookie]termica.
- BTTDM [0.3z] game mode scripted and tested by [KOD]Poopie.
- BTTDM [0.3z] (Zombie Server) game mode scripted and tested Power.
- BTTDM [0.3.7] game mode scripted and tested by Andres and Emin.

Note: All BTTDM Game Modes originally made by MoNeYPiMp.

[MM]BUST3R - BTTDM Legend (Class of 2015)