Important Notice:

The blog is currently on hiatus so there won't be any new updates will take place during the course of hiatus.

-BUST3R (Blog Creator & Manager)

BTTDM DayZ Server - A newest addition of server in BTTDM Community

BTTDM community is proud to announce that a newest addition of servers lineup in BTTDM community have been made by launching BTTDM's first ever Survival Horror Role-Play based server called "BTTDM DayZ - Zombie Survival".

This newest server have been launched by BlackTurbo himself on 15 February, 2016. The server is open for public now but it's still in BETA mode until some of servers know bugs and glitches will be fixed.

BTTDM DayZ Server IP -

Thanks for reading and enjoy the survival. :)